Allogenes is a Sethian Gnostic text from the New Testament apocrypha. The main surviving copies come from the Nag Hammadi library…A small fragment also survives in the more recently discovered Codex Tchacos…[Wikipedia]
The passages presented here are two of many, in the Allogenes text, which mimic some alien abduction scenarios, if not in exact wording, at least in an imagined or real emotional sense:
My soul went slack and I fled and I was very disturbed. And [I] turned to myself and saw the light that [surrounded] me and the Good that was in me, and I became Divine. And the all-glorious one, Youel, contacted me again and empowered me…
When I was seized by the eternal light, by the garment that was upon me, and was taken up to a pure place whose likeness cannot be revealed in the world…Allogenes (XI, 3)
While the abduction phenomenon is controversial, I do know people, credible persons, who have experienced what they consider an abduction but, maybe, what they really experienced was a transcendental event, not unlike that enumerated in Richard Bucke’s work, Cosmic Consciousness.
Yes, there are multiple accounts which are hardly transcendental, horrifying actually.
But those accounts may be tempered by the physical and psychological vicissitudes that accompany transcendent events, which would be traumatic for some individuals, those with shaky morals, much like those who have Near-Death experiences that take them to Hell rather than a more pleasant place, which most NDExperiencers relate.
Abductions, per se, have little to do with the UFO phenomenon, to my way of thinking, but it has become a peripheral element in many ufological circles, and will always remain connected to UFOs and the discussion of UFOs.
That aside, it might be time for those who have experienced an “abduction” to weigh the possibility that they’ve had a spiritual crisis or moment of enlightenment, which have occurred to saints and sinners alike; e.g. Saul of Tarsus (St. Paul). Thomas Aquinas, and Malcolm X.
The UFO Underground
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Adamski, Allingham, and UFO Propinquity
George Adamski was a blatant charlatan, but one with charisma and some inventive flying saucer photographs and stories.
Flying Saucer Pictorial, Max Miller’s 1967 magazine, provided a segment of a Kodachrome 16 mm film that Adamski took, and which shows, as the magazine has it, two objects in the sky.
But the real object, that isn’t noted, is indicated at the arrow point in the reproduction here:
Then there is this shot of Adamski’s (in)famous flying saucer, which we all have seen somewhere, sometime:
What is interesting to me, is that Cedric Allingham (aka British astronomer, Patrick Moore) faked a flying saucer photo for the book Flying Saucer from Mars (which is being republished and will be reviewed by Nick Redfern), the fake saucer an almost identical replica of Adamski’s saucer:
How or why did Allingham/Moore do that? Perhaps Christopher Allen [CDA] can enlighten us, as he was one of the people who exposed Moore’s quirky hoax.
And finally, this juxtaposition of a photo by Adamski with one of the Trent/McMinnville UFO photos shows an almost identical flying disk. The Trent sighting and photo took place in 1950; while Adamski said his sighting and photo took place in 1951:
Note that Adamski’s “ship” has an engineering flaw: the craft has a slight chink in its rim, on the left side of the image. (Apparently, Mr. Adamski’s scissors slipped when he created the cut-out.)
What’s the point being made here, if there is one?
Adamski was imaginative and, as noted, inventive, to the extent that others, Allingham/Moore et al. emulated his creations.
Why Adamski’s chicken-brooder saucer became so iconic is beyond the scope of this writer, but it is interesting that Adamski’s concoctions (stories and photos) caught the imagination of the public, and still does, in some quarters.
One might conclude that Adamski was the progenitor of the ET idea that has infiltrated and consumed most followers and devotees of the UFO phenomenon, Stanton Friedman, among them.
And that’s my point: Adamski, as fraudulent as he was, created the flying saucer/UFO agenda [UFOs are ET craft] that we are stuck with to this day, at least some of us are……
Monday, August 29, 2011
Kevin Randle -- UFO researcher? Really?
Here is an excerpt from a piece by Kevin D. Randle in UFO Report magazine, Spring 1975, entitled, Mysterious Clues Left Behind by Flying Saucers (Page 37):
Note the third paragraph, where Randle writes that "The military showed up in strength..."
Where's the substantiation, the citation that proves the military did, indeed, show up?
We have a number of other Randle articles, and many by Jerome Clark, which, in hindsight, indicate some sloppy reportage, and mind-sets that indicate a bias toward believability of accounts by anyone, anywhere when it comes to UFOs.
The questioning mind is absent by those fellows, at least, in their early incarnations as "ufologists."
Even Allen Hynek, who smothered the Mannor and Hillsdale flying saucer sightings in 1966 by attributing them to "swamp gas" fell for the faked 1967 Jaroslav photo seen here:
Hynek said that the "Analysis so far does not show any indication of an obvious hoax." [Flying Saucers Pictorial, 1967, Page 44].
The teenage Jaroslav brothers admitted, not long after, to making the "saucer" and faking the photograph.
Hynek was dismissed by reporters as unreliable after the 1966 "swamp gas" fiasco and he never regained credibility with news media after that episode.
He never regained credibility with us either.
We eschew the so-called noted ufologists because they've proven to be incompetent or just plain wrong, often back-tracking and making excuses for their earlier "nonsense."
One can forgive them, but one can't forget...their blunders and errant "research."
Thursday, August 25, 2011
UFOs: Past, Present, Future
Wonders in the Sky by Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck have countless sightings that are replicated in modern UFO literature, with modern sightings sometimes providing photographic support.
For instance, Vallee and Aubeck provide this sighting [Number 417] on Page 306 of the paperback:
12 January 1836, Cherbourg, France – A “luminous body…two-thirds the size of the moon” was witnessed at 6:30 p.m. “Central to it there seemed to be a dark cavity.”
Here is a series of photos taken by George Stock of Passaic, New Jersey July 28th, 1952:
The UFO depicted mimics the Cherbourg sighting listed in Wonders…
(And note that the Stock UFO resembles, almost exactly, a few other UFOs photographed in the 1950s and 1960s:
One of the allegedly hoaxed Heflin photos
Anthony Bragalia thinks UFOs are shape-changers.
Wonders….has a number of sightings that indicate shape-changing; e.g., Item 371, Page 274
This photo, which I think is fake, from Anthony's Wanaque research shows a luminance that showed up in the other photos below:
The questionable 1954 Darbishire photo
A plethora of sightings listed in Wonders…also indicates luminance; e.g., Pages 55, 103, 114, 123, 195, 235, 252, 253, 266, 283, 298, 305, 330 343.
Anthony also notes UFOs that emit rays of lights, as in the (in)famous Wanaque photograph.
Wonders…also lists sightings where rays of light are emitted; e.g. Item 167 Page 141; Item 329 Page 253; Item 346 Page 261; Item 410 Page 303
Then we find a rather well-known UFO photo that emulates the vapor-trail of the alleged Aurora prototype:
Wonders…lists some old sightings that also precede, by witness observation, the Aurora residue; e. g., Item 89 Page 96
My point?
That “modern” sightings antedate very similar, almost exact sightings and peculiarities as noted by Vallee, Aubeck, and Bragalia’s interests, among others, emulate ancient or older sightings which seem to confirm that something with a pattern is at work when it comes to UFO phenomena.
What’s old is new again, apparently….
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Is Earth an alien zoo?
A new study says that Earth is home to (approximately) 8.7 million species.
Click her for news-story
There has, almost from the beginning of the modern UFO era (1947), been a few hypothetical thrusts saying that Earth might be a zoo where species have been brought or created and dispersed for extraterrestrial purposes which remain totally hidden.
The idea may seem fanciful at first glance, but isn’t outside the realm of possibility,
The idea, along with the penal colony thesis, can be elaborated upon and made sensible when one examines the idea that an alien species from other worlds, should there be any, could very well use the Earth as a laboratory or park containing animals, plants, humans, insects, reptiles, and other elements of life.
This would explain the vast array of UFO visitations over the years, and supports the hypothesis that alien beings have taken a particular interest in the Earth as regards atomic or ecological devastation, both of which having the potential to destroy eons of lab work or eliminating an extraterrestrial “vacation venue.”
Earth could be the lab-source for species meant to be seeded throughout the galaxies or, at least, one of the lab-sources.
Wikipedia has a succinct review of the Alien zoo hypothesis ,which may be read by clicking HERE.
For me, the zoo idea is not as zany as many other hypotheses which have pummeled UFO devotees of the years.
What do you think?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Addictive Ufologists
What one characteristic is typical of virtually all UFO enthusiasts?
Hoarding, collecting, accumulating UFO material or sightings.
Ufologists just have to get their hands on sightings released by government agencies; that welter of UFO sightings gathered from pilots, military people, and various other members of the population, the general citizenry.
And UFO devotees have to collect the plethora of books about UFOs that show up rather regularly, along with magazines, news-clippings, and web-pages or internet items.
What do UFO mavens or ufologists do with this collection of UFO detritus? Nothing – nothing at all.
They merely hoard it, sometimes giving it a cursory view.
Only a few use the collected material for research or as a supplement to hypothetical ratiocination.
The process of gathering such materials is a kind of addiction, a pathology that is endemic to the subject matter.
It’s not like coin collecting, or stamp collecting or baseball card collecting, which have a monetary value of some kind. It’s just a need to have a pile of stuff related to the UFO phenomenon, as if having it gives the collector a kind of authority just because of the ownership.
The UFO mystery has always attracted people with maladapted personalities.
That, in itself, is a matter for study, but no one with psychiatric or sociologic bona fides gives a good goddam.
And the hoarding is essentially harmless. But there it is…..
N.B. Click here for a news-clip on addiction
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
UFOs: a lot of data; a lot of nothing
I’m fascinated by the accounts in the Vallee/Aubeck book, Wonders in the Sky, from the earliest of times, in which “beings” (often clothed in white garments) were reported seen in the presence of strange celestial objects [Pages 35, 37, 39, 40, 46, 47, 51, 52, 54, 57, 58, 62, 63, 67, 71, 72, 75, 77, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 93, 95, 103, 105, 106, ff.]
(Remember, Zamora’s Socorro craft was accompanied by beings clothed in white, as were beings allegedly spotted outside Woomera, Australia, which some, us included, tied to the Solway Firth “spaceman” photo. And there are other sightings in which entities were garbed in shiny or white clothing or uniforms.)
And a look at cave art also raises the specter of strange beings mingling among early mankind (used by Alien Astronaut devotees for their hypothesis).
Then, of course, we all have access to hundreds, thousands actually, of UFO stories that have accumulated since 1947, and appear in books, television, and the internet.
But none of this data or information has taken us to an explanation of what flying saucers or UFOs were or are.
That dastardly skeptic Phil Klass said none of us would ever get an explanation for UFOs in our lifetime. His “prophecy” seems to be accurate, at least so far.
My point is that we have the data, lots of it, but we are nowhere near an explanation of what UFOs are or what their raison d’être might be.
And the chase has become wearying for some: Paul Kimball and a few fellows here, plus others who have dropped off the UFO merry-go-round.
Why Roswell remains an active source for UFO mavens. That incident had aspects of concretebility: recovered debris, alien bodies (supposedly), credible or near-credible witness accounts, an official Army Air Corps release, newspaper stories of a captured disk, and the status of a hardened myth.
Roswell is just as evanescent and non-determinant as the data mentioned above, but it, at least for the UFO die-hards, has elements that seem to be provable if one can just break through an alleged government/military cover-up.
However, in a final analysis, no amount of data or information with a UFO tinge is going to solve the mystery.
The phenomenon remains elusive, and Phil Klass’s assessment also remains intact.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
UFOs and the Death of God [Redux]
Reading through Wonders in the Sky by Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck [Penguin Group, NY, 2009] one is struck how most of those sightings from antiquity through the Middle Ages up to the beginning of the 20th Century have a direct or tangential connection to persons or enterprises that have a religious patina.
As aficionados of UFOs know, modern sightings, mainly from 1945 on, are secular in nature; that is, UFOs or flying saucers were not attendant or dependent upon a religious overlay.
Why is that?
I conjecture that UFOs had an umbilical connection to those events and people who believed in God and practiced the Faith, no matter if what the denomination or premise what was: Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Pagan, Mayan, Christianity, et alii.
But after the Death of God – and I believe that God died, not metaphorically as Nietzsche proposed, but actually – UFOs became attracted to humankind as a symbolic phenomenon, with meaning that has yet to be discerned.
UFOs and God is Dead -- 2009
Carl Jung’s magnificently clear rumination on the nature and reality of God in Answer to Job outlines how God, in a fit of divine despair, about how humans had been treated by Him and the vicissitudes of His creation, became incarnate, as Jesus Christ to atone for His (God’s) misbehavior, and ultimately die as a personal -- shall I say suicidal? – retribution to assuage the divine guilt.
However, that atonement, by partial Deicide, was short lived, and God’s aloof, distant, or hidden nature [See Richard Friedman’s The Hidden Face of God] brought about, in modern times, one of the most horrific episodes against humanity, and a chosen element of that humanity: The Holocaust.
In that human catastrophe and its aftermath, God died -- He either did Himself in (a total act of Decide) or died of a divine heartbreak; either way, God Himself – not his surrogate (Son) but God Himself died in h mid-1940s A.D.
Thus UFOs, whatever they were or are were transmogrified by the Divine denouement, but destined to intervene in human affairs by an eternal mandate of God, had to continue the “mission” and secular sightings became the norm, and the religious connection was set aside or lost from that point on.
This doesn’t explain, admittedly, what UFOs are, their essential makeup, nor their purpose. But it may explain by Vallee’s and Aubeck’s litany of ancient UFO sightings have been replaced by a litany of secular UFO sightings.
To augment my bizarre thesis, I suggest readers here check out an article in the current New Yorker: Is That All There Is? by James Woods, about Secularism [August 15/22 issue, Page 87 ff.]
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Wonders in the Sky (and nonsense in the book)
David J. Hufford, Professor Emeritus of Humanities and Psychiatry, Penn State College of Medicine and Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania provides the forward to Jacques Vallee’s and Chris Aubeck’s book (pictured above).
Professor Hufford is erudite and insightful.
Here are some examples from his Foreward:
I [Hufford] was pursuing the heretical idea that folk belief traditions might actually incorporate accurate observations…
[Vallee in his books, Anatomy of a Phenomenon and Passport to Magonia] recognized the difference between the core phenomenology of [UFO] reports and the local language and interpretations that clothed that core in traditional accounts.
Criticizing conventional UFO investigators for “confusing appearance and reality” [Vallee] said that “The phenomenon has stable, invariant features….But we have also had to note carefully the chameleonlike character of the secondary attributes of the sightings.
The willingness of [Vallee and Aubeck] to cast a very wide net, andn ot to allow the particular cultural interpretations of events to limit their view, offers us a remarkable opportunity to seek patterns that may lead to new understandings.
Those with a view of these matters narrowly focused on a particular interpretation, especially the extraterrestrial idea, may be annoyed by the mixing of the aerial and the religious, the political and the mystical and more.
The problem with “spaceship” is not that it is anomalous; it is that it is an interpetation rather than an observation.
But Vallee and Aubeck undercut these judicious remarks by Professor Hufford by making these comments in their Introduction:
We will show that unidentified flying objects have had a major [sic] impact not only on popular culture but on our history, on our religion…
…the fact would remain that an unexplained phenomenon has played and continues to play a fantastically important role in shaping our belief systems, the way we view our history and the role of science.
…their [UFOs] impact has shaped human civilization in important ways.
Vallee’s and Aubeck’s hubris astounds.
UFOs have never had a “major” impact on humanity or civilization or history or religion.
The phenomenon has always been a remote and peripheral aspect of societal life, of human existence.
UFOs, today, are as inconsequential to humanity and society as a whole as they have always been, despite Vallee’s insistence that UFOs have been and are integral to life on Earth.
Vallee’s view is egocentric, megalomanic almost.
His view typifies that of those, generally, who are absorbed by the pheonomenon.
Irritated by Stephen Hawking’s postion vis a vis UFOs – “I am discounting reports of UFOs. Why would they appear only to cranks and weirdos?” – Vallee and Aubeck don’t get it:
The persons seeing UFOs are not cranks and weirdos. Hawking is wrong. The people who study UFOs are the cranks and weirdos – Vallee and Aubeck among them.